Rosary Necklace Inspirational Blogg

Rosary Necklace Inspirational Blogg

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Sorrowful Mysteries

In the Sorrowful Mysteries, we come face to face with the realization that Jesus had to suffer for us. He had to undergo persecution, hardships in the hands of the Romans and Church elders so that we may be saved. The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary is usually said on Tuesdays, Fridays, and may also be said on Sundays of Lent in place of the Glorious Mysteries.

Just like the other Mysteries of the rosary, the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Catholic Rosary is divided into five groups. These different groups takes us through the various key events and stages of persecutions that Jesus Christ faced so that he may fulfill his purpose on Earth. These are;

  • The Agony at the Garden
  • The Scourging at the Pillar
  • The Crowning with Thorns
  • The Carrying of the Cross
  • The Crucifixion and Death

The Agony at the Garden

In this Sorrowful Mystery of Sorrow, we are reminded of when Jesus Christ went with his disciples to the mountain in Gethsemane. He prayed to God asking for his burden to be lifted from him, but as it was written so it came to pass. When he prayed to his father in heaven an angel came to him and comforted him. This shows us the immense love that God has over us, that he should send his son Jesus Christ to suffer persecution and rejection so that we may be saved. This Rosary mystery teaches us sorrow for sin and repentance, which are also the spiritual fruits for it.

The Scourging at the Pillar

In this, we are reminded of how Jesus Christ suffered in the hands of the priests, when they captured him and delivered him to Pilate, he was tried and found innocent. Pilate wanted to release him but the people, who were incited by the priests and the clergymen, refused any advances of their ruler. They opted to release Barabbas who was a murderer. Then Pilate, who wanted to appease the masses, decided to scourge Jesus and then crowned him with thorns. This was significant in many ways, whereby, Jesus came to this world with a mission and purpose, and this was just a fulfillment of this, for he showed that he was human and his body after the scourging was weak and broken.  The spiritual fruit for this Mystery of the Rosary is Purity and Mortification.

The Crowning with Thorns

When Pilate had finished scourging Jesus the masses still unsatisfied with it went to the governor, he then heard their plea and found no fault with Jesus. But the people wanted him punished so they stripped him off his cloths and put a scarlet robe on him before a battalion which had gathered to see him, The King of Jews, they then plaited a crown of thorns and placed it on his head, placed a reed in his hand and continued with the mocking, bowing down to him and saying "Hail the king of Jews". With this Jesus ridiculed, the governor thought that the Jews would find pity for him in the sorrowful state, but they still wanted more. so he released Jesus to them. The spiritual fruit for this mystery is Courage.

The Carrying of the Cross

In this Mystery of the Rosary, it takes us to the point where the Jewish people, under the influence of the priests, had been granted their wish to crucify Jesus. He was then forced to carry the cross which he would finally be placed on to the place named Golgotha (place of skull). With this, Catholic faithfuls are reminded that we should carry our burdens. 
On the way, a roman soldier feared that Jesus would not make it to the destination and orders Simon of Cyrene  to help him. This shows us that God will always provide help to us in time of need. The spiritual fruit for this Mystery of the Rosary is Patience

The Crucifixion and Death

This was his final mission on this world, that he would die for our sins. Jesus came to this world with a purpose and with his death, his reason for coming would be realized. He had done all that had brought him, which was to show Gods greatness and grace for his people, also his mercies and a final sacrifice. For he sacrificed himself that all that accept him need not to go to the altar for any other sacrifices in the name of penance. The spiritual fruit for this Mystery is perseverance. For if we take a look at his life Jesus had to endure a lot of ridicule and torture but his last words was a prayer of forgiveness to all mankind.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Glorious Mysteries

The Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosaries reminds the catholic faithful's of the triumphs of Jesus Christ over death. They dwell on the period of his death and Resurrection. In this mystery, Catholics find the joy of the realization that Jesus is the true messiah and  the son of God, He rose from his grave and conquered death making us heirs in heaven. These prayers are said on Wednesdays, Sundays and during Easter to Sunday before advent Easter.

Like the other Catholic Rosary Mysteries, the Glorious Mysteries of the rosary is further divided into five groups of prayers. These groups or categories mark immediate key events in the period during and after the death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ the son of God. These are as named below;

  • The Resurrection.
  • The Ascension
  • The Descent of the Holy Spirit.
  • The Assumption of Mary
  • The Coronation of the Virgin

The Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is first of the Glorious Mysteries which takes us to Jesus' grave where he was buried after dying on the cross, and on the morning of Easter Sunday his friends find the tomb door open and his body was not there for he had supernaturally resurrected as they were told by an angel who they saw. Jesus then appeared to them and assured them that they too will rise from death and join him in paradise.The spiritual fruit of this Mystery is Faith, the faith that Jesus rose up from the grave and lives on forever.

The Ascension

The second Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary is the ascension of Jesus Christ. In this, we see Jesus after resurrecting, he appeared to his disciples and gave them assurances of paradise and gave them the great commandment "To spread the good news to all mankind", then he ascends up to the heavens.The spiritual fruit of this is Christian hope and desire to ascend to the heaven after death.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit

Before he ascended to the heavens, Jesus promised to send a helper to his disciples. This helper would help them in all their endeavors and would be with them, so on the day of Pentecost the holy spirit came down and this is what we see in the third Glorious mysteries. The love that God has for us to send us the Holy Spirit and we thank him for that, the spiritual fruit for this Mystery is the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The Assumption of Mary

This is said with respect to Mary the mother of Jesus, it is believed that he dearly loved her that she was assumed (brought up) to heaven when she died, so that she could be with Jesus, her son. The spiritual fruit of this Mystery is Grace and happy devotion and true devotion to Mary.

The Coronation of the Virgin

When she died, it is believed that Mary, who was the mother of Jesus on Earth, was crowned as Queen of the angels and saints on heaven because of her immense faith and dedication to God. The spiritual fruit for this Glorious Mystery is Grace of final perseverance and trust in Mary's intersession.

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Joyful Mysteries

The Joyful Mysteries are coined from the gospel according to St. Luke which is in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. This involves the Joyful moments in the life of Jesus Christ's childhood, the incarnation, or when God became man and walked among us is considered the most Joyful moments in human history.

The Joyful Mysteries is subdivided into five groups and they are to celebrate the announcement of the coming of Jesus Christ, his birth and also his childhood years in this world. The rosary beads (Prayer beads) serve as a reminder during these Mysteries to be thankful to God for all that he brought to us through his son Jesus.The five groups of the Joyful Mysteries are as follows;

The Annunciation of the Angel to Mary
In the sixth month of the Jewish calendar, God sent his angel Gabriel as a messenger to go to Nazareth to a Virgin woman named Mary, who was betrothed to the carpenter Joseph. He was to deliver the good news of the coming of the messiah through her. The spiritual fruit of this first celebration of the Joyful Mysteries is Humility.
The visitation of Mary to Saint Elizabeth
During the visitation by the angel Gabriel, Mary is also told about the pregnancy of her cousin Elizabeth. Elizabeth was much older than Mary and many had considered her to be barren, this shows that with God all things are possible and also teaches us the love of our neighbor which is the spiritual fruit of this Mystery.
The nativity of Jesus in Bethlehem
This is the birth of Jesus Christ, the messiah, which was foretold by all the great prophets. This was at a time of census and all were required to register at their home district, so Mary and her husband look for shelter but all that is availed to them is a stable and therefore Jesus is born and laid in a manger, as it is usually depicted in the nativity scenes which celebrate this event,. The spiritual fruit of this Mystery is Poverty of spirit.
The presentation of Jesus to the Temple
According to the Jewish laws, the male children were to be presented before the altar of God and a sacrifice was to be made on their behalf. This was done as a fulfillment if the Jewish customs thus the spiritual fruit of this is the purity of mind and body.
The finding of Jesus in the Temple
The gospel according to St. Luke tells us of a time Jesus was separated from his parents who thought that he was with the other only to find him later in the temple with the spiritual leaders of the Jewish people. Obedience (the spiritual fruit of this Mystery), is what is leaned from this event in Biblical history.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Mystery of the Rosary

The Mysteries of the Rosary (prayer beads) can be traced back to some pivotal events in the Biblical life of Jesus Christ.
There are fifteen traditional mysteries which have come about on the matter of rosaries in the Catholic Church. These Mysteries are further divided into the groups of five, they are:

  • Joyful mysteries - These were said during Mondays and Thursdays,
  • Sorrowful mysteries - These were on Tuesdays and Fridays and daily during the month of Lent, and
  • Glorious mysteries - These were said on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

The fourth groups of these mysteries is the new mysteries of light (also known as the luminous mysteries), this is based on the outlook of the life of Jesus Christ. These mysteries usually falls in between the Joyful and Sorrowful mysteries, it was once suggested by Pope John Paul II, in a letter, that the Mystery of Light should be prayed on Thursdays and the second meditation of the Joyful Mysteries to be moved to Saturdays, However, he showed respect to the rightful freedom for personal and community prayers. The traditional Mysteries are usually prayed on Mondays to Saturdays whereas the new Mysteries of Light are said on Sundays. Some faithful’s opt to say the 15 Mysteries of the Rosary at one sitting, Going through the Rosary beads about three times, saying 3 of the 4 Mystery groups.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Welcome To Rosary Kingdom

Welcome To Rosary Kingdom

We love everyone that comes in peace with the lord. when the Lord is around, you can feel the presence of the savior playing an impact in our lifes and the life we surround :)