Rosary Necklace Inspirational Blogg

Rosary Necklace Inspirational Blogg

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Glorious Mysteries

The Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosaries reminds the catholic faithful's of the triumphs of Jesus Christ over death. They dwell on the period of his death and Resurrection. In this mystery, Catholics find the joy of the realization that Jesus is the true messiah and  the son of God, He rose from his grave and conquered death making us heirs in heaven. These prayers are said on Wednesdays, Sundays and during Easter to Sunday before advent Easter.

Like the other Catholic Rosary Mysteries, the Glorious Mysteries of the rosary is further divided into five groups of prayers. These groups or categories mark immediate key events in the period during and after the death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ the son of God. These are as named below;

  • The Resurrection.
  • The Ascension
  • The Descent of the Holy Spirit.
  • The Assumption of Mary
  • The Coronation of the Virgin

The Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is first of the Glorious Mysteries which takes us to Jesus' grave where he was buried after dying on the cross, and on the morning of Easter Sunday his friends find the tomb door open and his body was not there for he had supernaturally resurrected as they were told by an angel who they saw. Jesus then appeared to them and assured them that they too will rise from death and join him in paradise.The spiritual fruit of this Mystery is Faith, the faith that Jesus rose up from the grave and lives on forever.

The Ascension

The second Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary is the ascension of Jesus Christ. In this, we see Jesus after resurrecting, he appeared to his disciples and gave them assurances of paradise and gave them the great commandment "To spread the good news to all mankind", then he ascends up to the heavens.The spiritual fruit of this is Christian hope and desire to ascend to the heaven after death.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit

Before he ascended to the heavens, Jesus promised to send a helper to his disciples. This helper would help them in all their endeavors and would be with them, so on the day of Pentecost the holy spirit came down and this is what we see in the third Glorious mysteries. The love that God has for us to send us the Holy Spirit and we thank him for that, the spiritual fruit for this Mystery is the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The Assumption of Mary

This is said with respect to Mary the mother of Jesus, it is believed that he dearly loved her that she was assumed (brought up) to heaven when she died, so that she could be with Jesus, her son. The spiritual fruit of this Mystery is Grace and happy devotion and true devotion to Mary.

The Coronation of the Virgin

When she died, it is believed that Mary, who was the mother of Jesus on Earth, was crowned as Queen of the angels and saints on heaven because of her immense faith and dedication to God. The spiritual fruit for this Glorious Mystery is Grace of final perseverance and trust in Mary's intersession.

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